Friday, February 15, 2013

Few Of My Favorite Things by Scraps N Pieces

It's Heidi's birthday month!!!  Happy birthday to one of my favorite designers!  Her birthday was actually on the 11th and her husband said she was re-celebrating her 29th birthday (uh huh....something like that). 

She picked out this color palette and Lori made her this kit for her birthday.  It turned out so beautifully, just like the person who inspired it.  The Scraps 'N Pieces CT did SO AWESOME with this kit and I know you are going to be inspired by their layouts and want this kit for your very own to scrap a few of your favorite things!

The kit will be 1/2 price at Scraps N Pieces and at My Memories for the next week.  PLUS, if you purchase at Scraps N Pieces, you will get a fun date set FREE with your downloads.  How awesome is that! 
Here is a look at this beautiful vintage type kit. (NOT saying that Heidi is vintage or anything.)

There are some date pieces you get FREE with download the first week at SNP.  After that it will be sold separately.  

Here are a couple pages for inspiration that I did 

Here's The LINK


  1. Thanx for the lovely cluster frame. i really like the clock face!

  2. Beautiful thankyou....
